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 OGS Earphones Minimize the Energy Hurting the Hearing without Losing Audio Quality 2006/ 11/20

What make OGS earphones better for your hearing?

-Navigating how the SPL curve matters in different earphone technologies

In order to minimize the hearing damage caused by listening mobile MP3 equipments, swttek Inc. develops a revolutionary earphone technology, the OGS (Open Guide Sound) earphones. An experiment is conducted to investigate the relationship between the volume and the energy.

Comparing with the frequency response of the OGS earphone and the ordinary MP3 earphone, the OGS type's average volume is 15 to 17dB lower than the ordinary ones. In other words, if converting to the energy our ear drums receive, the ordinary MP3 equipped earphones is 30~50 times bigger than the OGS type as shown in the below chart.

Secondly, most high frequency noises, ranging from 10k Hz to 20k Hz, are decayed when wearing OGS type earphones. Whereas, these noises make high energy on our ear drums, but have nothing to do with the audio quality. This further reveals how OGS earphones are superior than ordinary earphones.

Comparison Table:

OGS(Open Guided Sound)

MP3 Player Earphone

Ave. SPL

84 dB


SPL Difference


+ 15~17 dB

Energy Difference


+ 30~50 times

Using the Same Speaker Driver ( ψ 15mm , 32 Ω ) for the experiment.

SPL: Sound Pressure Level

Source: swttek Lab.


SPL = 10 log Pa / Po Fig. I

SPL (dB)

Pressure (Pa)








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